Monday 13 July 2009

Preventing Cat Diease Through Natural Diet

Preventing cat disease through natural diet is the way that informed cat owners have turned to, to keep their pets healthy and out of the vet's examination room. Prevention is better than cure as we all know, so why wait until your pet is sick to change its diet? It is now widely acknowledged that ninety percent of cat illness is directly related to the food it eats. A natural diet is a blessing for cats with health problems because a diet of fresh food works as nourishment and also as a medicine.

A natural diet can be most helpful for the following health problems.

Obesity, a constant problem for cats, especially house cats who are fed too much and seldom if ever go out and exercise. A natural diet has high quality protein and no added fats, sugars and carbohydrates. Your cat's weight should balance out on its own.

Diarrhoea, soft stools and foul smelling stools. What goes in must come out. If a cat is fed unnatural ingredients as in commercial food, the chemicals and toxic additives can produce a very smelly house. On a natural diet of fresh food the cat's digestion system works as nature intended and the cat will assimilate all the necessary nutrients it needs and dispose of the rest.

Vomiting, is a way of getting incompatible food out of the body quickly. Natural diets have everything they need to help your cat soothe and repair a digestive system damaged by chemicals in commercial food.

Temperament issues, when a cat's behaviour changes, its time to ask why and revue what it eats. The chemicals found in commercial diets are known neurotoxins. A diet of fresh food contains no toxins or additives, is composed of necessary vitamins and fatty acids that increase and support brain function.

Coat & Skin Problems One of the first ways we recognise that a cat is not well is that it looses it normal glossy coat. One of the reasons for this is that chemicals found in commercial food will be excreted through the skin leading to coat and skin problems.

Other diseases that greatly benefit from a diet of fresh natural food are, arthritis, peridontal disease and diabetes, thyroid and kidney ailments. Even if your cat has spent years on commercial food it is not too late to stop and turn to a natural diet. A sick cat can benefit hugely and have its suffering eased. The great lesson to be learned is to start off as you intend to go on, leave the tinned food in the store and turn to your own resources. You can easily add up to eight extra years to your cat's life and a life full of energy and vigour not lethargy.

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