Friday 10 July 2009

The Pet Food Industry and Vets

The pet food industry and vets, what many cat owners do not know is that pet food companies are large contributors to vetinary programmes. In a vetinarian's office it is not uncommon to see a cat and dog food brand with various advertisements about as well. Did you know that your vet is receiving a monthly or quarterly payment to promote the brand whether he or she uses it or not? The vetinary organisation your vet belongs to has made its own deal with the pet food company and your vet now counts on this promotional fee as part of their business income. In the end it is all about profit and not whether your cat is getting the best nutrition possible.

There have been many renowned vetinarians who have lost their license to practice for speaking out against pet food companies and the quality of food they have been foisting on the general public and their animals for over fifty years.

Luckily attitudes are changing and many vetinarians are choosing to study feline and canine nutrition on their own and practicing holistic medicine. The plain fact is however, your vet simply can't have all the answers if he or she has never made a study of natural diets. With the pet food recalls of 2007/2008 and later ones too, there is a growing awareness and demand for a natural approach to feeding cats.

For the sake of your pet, do not allow pet food companies and ill trained vetinarians to make choices for you on your cat's dietary needs. The decision should only rest with someone who is invested in your cat's day to day well being, not someone whose main concern is the bottom line of their business.

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