Friday 17 July 2009

Homemade Cat Food

A little over half a century ago commercial pet food was unheard of. I grew up with cats that seemed to be part of the very fabric of the house, they were there as I grew up and when I left home and returned. Instead of heart disease, diabetes and kidney ailments that now end a cat's life by the age of seven to nine, it was common for our cats to see two or three decades of vigorous life before old age took them.

Cats are now frequently obese and lethargic as they are fed a diet of tinned and dry commercial food and frequently too much. It is akin to feeding them junk food and in the way that we too become ill if fed a junk food diet with all it's risk of obesity and diabetes, so too do cats.

The result is a premature death and before that a lot of seriously expensive visits to the vet. By comparison with the cats I grew up with, it was a very rare event when one of them had to go to the vet at all.

So what happens if we dare ourselves to take a step back in time and pretend that commercial cat food does not exist? We will feed them homemade cat food and know where it comes from.

We will all now source our own fresh natural food and find ourselves with at least six different recipes and this way we will waste far less as we now know exactly what our pet will eat - and finish. A natural diet boosts the immune system; it does not, unlike commercial food, prompt unwanted visits to the vet. In addition it is immediately noticeable how the cat's health improves with bright eyes and shiny coat and real energy. Cats were never meant to be couch potatoes.

So you now have the choice before you, continue the commercial "junk food diet" or wean your feline off it before it is too late. If you knew that you can give your pet real human grade safe and natural food, some of which is even free and save money and time you would surely do that wouldn't you? Even more so if you knew you could add up to eight extra years to it's life?

Remember it is never too late to decide to make the switch to fresh natural homemade cat food which is simple to make, stores well and is inexpensive. In these recessionary times we can all make an instant saving. The reward is in your cat's eyes! Lets take thay step back in time together!

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