Saturday 1 August 2009

Homemade Cat Food and Health

It may take a long time for cat owners to make the connection between homemade cat food and health and to change their pet to a natural diet free from the many contaminants found in commercial pet food. The advantages of putting your cat on a diet of fresh natural food you source and prepare yourself soon become clear. Who else is bothered by waste? I reckon I used to throw away at least 3/4 of every tin of cat food that I opened. The cat would eat a bit then refuse the rest, it was seriously expensive, annoying and frustrating. Once I switched to homemade food I soon learned just what my friend would eat and have six different meals I can alternate, that way the cat never tires of the same old food day after day. That is an end of the waste. My cat's health improved dramatically, especially with the raw food they both love. Their coats became more glossy and they are both far more active. It was as if I was feeding them a diet of junk food before, making them overweight and slothful.

Popping the lid on a can is almost effortless but a pet owner must truly consider if continuing to poison their pet in exchange for convenience is a road they really want to go down.

For me the real payoff for my efforts is that once my cats were on a proper diet of quality fresh food they now only go to the vet's once a year for a checkup, compared to the frustration and expense of taking them down for numerous allergies they developed from the commercial food. Once they both had the required nutrients and enzymes their bodies needed, their ailments cured themselves.

I reckon I can feed a cat a quality fresh pure meal for just 64cents and I don't spend any more time at the pet food store, rather I save money while at the same time seeing my cats way healthier than they ever were on tinned commercial cat food. The scary thing is that I realise now that it cost me serious money to feed my pets food that slowly poisoned them and guaranteed I would spend even more money at the vets trying to put all this right. Remember, its never too late to change and you may well save your pet's life.

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